Nouns Anchor Charts in French
Nouns anchor charts in French are great visual aids for students to understand the most fundamental part of speech. Kids might be able to make themselves understood without proper conjugation, but they...
View ArticleFrench Spring Videos and Resources
It might not feel like it yet, but spring has arrived! Check out this list of French spring videos and resources for your classroom. French Spring Videos and Resources for your French Classroom French...
View ArticleFrench Summer Printables
Here are a couple of French summer printables: French Summer Worksheets (color & read) and French Summer Sentence Builders. Oh, and at the end of the post, there’s a fun beach vocabulary quiz on...
View ArticleFrench Anchor Charts for Halloween
Time for another round of French anchor charts and the ones today are both interactive. These are Halloween-themed, but you can adapt them to use in your classroom year-round. French Anchor Charts for...
View ArticleFrench Parts of Speech Resources
These French parts of speech resources will support your teaching of les classes de mots! You might have had students who kept confusing rapide and rapidement, or bien and bon. Things would be easier...
View ArticleFrench Verbs Present Tense Practice
So is the future of education paperless? Maybe not in its entirety, but a lot of it will be. That’s a good thing because teachers and schools can save on paper and ink, not to mention the time...
View ArticleFrench Verbs Mini-book and How-to
So today, I want to share a French verbs mini-book with you. Additionally, this post includes tutorials to learn how to fold the mini-book. French Verbs Mini-book Mini-books are great as they are: easy...
View ArticleFrench Qualifying Adjectives Clip Cards
The most important part of speech, right after nouns and verbs, is the adjective. By learning about French qualifying adjectives, your students will be able to express their ideas more accurately....
View ArticleFrench Speaking Game: similar to J’ai… Qui a…?
Looking for more ways to get your students speaking French? Well, check out the French speaking game I’m writing about today. If you and your students enjoy playing J’ai… Qui a…?, you’ll love what I’ve...
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